West Cut Off Prospect
LaFourche Parish, Louisiana
The West Cut Off Prospect is located approximately 65 miles southwest of New Orleans, Louisiana and immediately west of Bayou LaFourche. It is located in Section 1, Township 18S, Range 21E. It is in a drilling unit consisting of 700 acres on pasture land. The location is not in the wetlands, but will require piling to be driven.
The well is to be drilled to 13,400 feet through six Miocene sands at normal pressure. There are two potential pressured sands below 13,400 pipe point that will be drilled in addition to this first well with one to six subsequent wells. The field has the potential of 40 million barrels of oil with associated gas and this sand package is represented by over 400 feet of prospective sand. The objective sections of sands will be encountered from approximately 12,200 feet to a depth of 14,300 feet. The high pressured section will be encountered at approximately 13,400.
This fault block has produced approximately 20,000,000 barrels of oil. The prospect is set up by two large growth faults that can be traced by both well control and seismic control. These large growth faults are typical of South Louisiana growth faults and are sealing faults due to the smear effect seen along these fault planes.